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    The way the old ones danced – Celebration Somogy style

    The way the old ones danced – Celebration Somogy style

    We get to know the famous axe-dance of pig-shepherds, we see their vehement revels, hear the long-forgotten sound of their instruments.

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    Last event date: Saturday, November 18 2017 7:00PM

    It is as if we were in the wild forests of the Somogy region. The unique world of the shepherds comes to life this evening. We get to know the famous axe-dance of pig-shepherds, we see their vehement revels, hear the long-forgotten sound of their instruments. But the other face of Somogy also appears: a glimpse of the life of the villagers. The way the peasant population organised their own “cither ball” or the way they entertained themselves with everyday objects – with glasses, a broom or the flail.


    Edit Gerlecz - László  Gerlecz
    Zsolt Szabó - Krisztina Kasza
    Tamás Czigány
    dr. Bese Dányádi
    Miklós Kecskés
    Dancers of the Karád Dance Ensemble


    Zoltán Juhász
    Gyula Husi
    András Vavrinecz and his friends

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