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    O Fortuna. Everyone knows the overwhelmingly powerful opening motifs of Carl Orff's most famous work. What fewer people know is that Carmina Burana was not intended to be an oratorical work, but was instead expressly meant for the stage. This becomes clear from the piece's (originally Latin) subtitle: “Secular songs for singers and chorus to be sung together with instruments and magical images.”
    Over the course of the many times he has conducted the work, Tibor Bogányi gradually developed a vision for a staged version. The creators conceived a breathtaking spectacle to surround the three soloists, the three dancers from the Hungarian National Ballet, and the monumental 120-strong chorus singing from memory, as well as the children's chorus, with the 3D “magical images” coming to life on six projection displays and LED walls.

    Since all this is happening in an opera house, the hour-long Carmina Burana is preceeded by a 30-minute-long opera showcase, a gift concert of sorts, which in the 2024/2025 season will include the most popular excerpts from Verdi's œuvre: the overtures of both La forza del destino and Nabucco, Gilda's aria from Rigoletto, and the gypsy chorus from Il trovatore, promising an exeptionally high-quality and strong acoustic experience to the audience – and to the OPERA, the hope of Carmina Burana fans returning to opera performances, too.
    We wish to inform you that we occasionally use light effects that may be disturbing or excessively bright for some members of the audience.
    This production is presented courtesy of Schott Music GmbH & Co.

    Concept: Ágnes Zászkaliczky, Attila Könnyű, Tibor Bogányi
    Artistic director: Ágnes Zászkaliczky, Tibor Bogányi
    Conductor, director: Tibor Bogányi
    3D projection mapping: Freelusion
    Choreographer, visual designer: Tímea Papp
    Chief graphic designer: Ádám Herczeg
    Costume designer: Mónika Szelei
    Chorus director: Gábor Csiki
    Head of the children's chorus: Nikolett Hajzer
    Hungarian subtitles: Ferenc Pödör
    English subtitles: Anonymous


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