Zsófia Tallér: Odi et amo
Ilona Dobszay-Meskó: Vivat, crescat, floreat!
Ádám Brandenburg: Miserere
award-winning work
Zsófia Tallér: Három zongoradarab (Three Piano Pieces)
Featuring: Péter Kiss – piano, Pax et Bonum Chamber Choir
Conductor: Boldizsár Kiss
Composer Zsófia Tallér, who contributed to theatre productions and films, passed away young in 2021. As one of the creators and teachers of applied composition programmes at the Liszt Academy and the Academy of Drama and Film, she was an inspiration to a generation. Her memory is honoured with a festival and composition competition, held in 2025 for the third time. According to the call, this year’s competition entries should be related to Odi et amo, Zsófia Tallér’s setting of lines by Catullus.
The concert, where the winning composition will also be presented, features the Pax et Bonum Chamber Choir, whose repertoire spans the past half a millennium, from the works of Renaissance masters to contemporary works. In 2022, the Pax et Bonum finished first in the chamber choir category of the 9th Kodály Zoltán Hungarian Choir Competition. In 2024, they won the Audience Prize at the 6th International Choral Competition Ave Verum in Baden bei Wien, where Boldizsár Kiss received the Choirmaster Special Prize.