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    How are fairies born? Every 70 years on a spring morning – when in the depths of the forest, ramsons breathe forth their perfume – the fairy boys and fairy girls in love link arms and fly to the clearing, where they kiss beautifully. Then, every 70 years, shimmering soap bubbles fall from the sky, and in these soap bubbles the fairy children arrive to earth.Who blows these bubbles, the Good Lord or someone else? Nobody knows.

    "Best Performance Award” of the 3rd Festival of the Theatre for Young Audiences, 2005/2006

    Critics' Award for “Best performance for young audiences”, 2005/2006

    Running time: 50 minutes with no intermission



    Michael Haneke korunk egyik legnagyobb filmrendezője, nem mellesleg személyes kedvencem, aki elsőre ridegnek és kegyetlennek tűnő hiperrealista filmjeivel felkavarja a…

    Performed over 500 times in Hungary and abroad the show is an hommage to the great Hungarian master of the…

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