• Program

    BMC Records Goes Live | Hans Lüdemann TransEuropeExpress Ensemble feat. Burcu Karadağ (DE/FR/TR)

    BMC Records Goes Live | Hans Lüdemann TransEuropeExpress Ensemble feat. Burcu Karadağ (DE/FR/TR)

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    Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!

    Last event date: Saturday, January 25 2025 8:00PM


        Hans Lüdemann - piano
        Alexandra Grimal - tenor and soprano saxophone
        Angelika Niescier - altosax and clarinet
        Régis Huby - violin
        Yves Robert - trombone
        Ronny Graupe - guitar
        Clara Däubler - double bass
        Dejan Terzic - drums and percussion
        Burcu Karadag - ney flute

    Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
    Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
    For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
    We hold reservations until 8pm.

    For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894

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