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    Black Swan

    The era we want to evoke coincides with the time of the premiere of Swan Lake. The second half of the 19th century is a period of proliferating mental hospitals, patients ‘possessed’ by animal spirits, and the treatment of mental pathologies by torture and other weird methods. The schizophrenic Odette, a swan queen in her imagination, attending balls and going to and fro in her palace, all the while alternating between her past, present and never-to-be future, and Odile, the other side of her split personality, are confined to such an institution. The girl in black from the free outside world is in fact an incurable patient rebelling against her fate, whom Rothbart is trying to keep sane by the most desperate means. Odette is the end product of his ‘healing’ methods, living in the freedom of her visions and hallucinations at ‘Swan Lake’, instead of the reality of her physical captivity.

    We reserve the right to change the programme.


    Black Swan

    Odette - Miriam Munno / Diletta Savini
    Odile - Diletta Ranuzzi / Letizia Melchiorre
    Siegfried - Francesco Totaro / Lotár Vincze
    Rothbart - Gergely Czár / Csongor Füzesi
    Nurse - Adrienn Nyeste
    Alexander - Róbert Kiss
    Assistants - Csongor Füzesi/ Gergely Czár,
    Lotár Vincze / Francesco Totaro
    Girls, Swans - Nier Janka, Giordana Marzocchi, Csató Málna, Chiara Gionti, Letizia Melchiorre/Diletta Ranuzzi

    Music: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
    Lights: Dániel Szabó
    Costume: Bianca Imelda Jeremias
    Scenery design, stagecraft: Kázmér Tóth
    Animation: János Madarász, Gergő Madarász
    Scenery implementation: Scabello
    Dramaturge: Brigitta Szokolai
    Assistant: Gergely Czár
    Choreography: Tamás Juronics, Gergely Czár and the Company
    Director: Tamás Juronics


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