• Program

    The Nutcracker - Szeged Contemporary Dance Company

    The Nutcracker - Szeged Contemporary Dance Company

    The idea for The Nutcracker ballet came from theone-time director of the Tsarist theatre who, based on E.T.A. Hoffmann’s fairy tale entitled the Nutcracker and the Mouse King, wanted to stage a fairy tale ballet that would surpass all that had gone before, both in sound and in spectacle.  more

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    Last event date: Sunday, December 15 2024 3:00PM

    On Christmas Eve, the parents are decorating the hugetree set up in the living room. The siblings, Marie and Fritz do not stop arguing even around the tree. The invited children arrive one by one, friendships are formed, the boys make pranks with the little girls. The presentation of the gifts begins. There are lots of cute toys, fairy tale characters and puppets in the decorative boxes under the tree. The children's funny godfather, Uncle Drosselmeyer stumbles in late, bringing special refurbished toys in his bag. Marie likes an old nutcracker puppet. After the excitement of the evening, the little girl falls asleep under the Christmas tree hugging her new toy. In her dream, images of the recent events appear, puppets and toys come to life, and then suddenly mice overrun the whole room, led by the evil Mouse King. The Nutcracker Prince and his friends help the girl, and after the land of snowflakes they arrive at the Cake Palace, where Sugarplum Fairy and The Lord of Cake Palace with his team of confectioners guide them to more and more wonderful places in the magical fairytale world. The series of adventures begins. In Marie's dream, as Princess Marie, she dances with Prince Nutcracker. The little girl’s sometimes terrifying, and other times wonderful dreams appear in the story, in which, at the end, the family hugs each other together again on Christmas Eve.


    Marie: Diletta Savini / Giordana Marzocchi
    Nutcracker: Gergely Czár / Francesco Totaro
    Uncle Drosselmeyer: Attila Kalmár
    Fritz, Marie’brother: Lotár Vincze
    Mother and Mouse Queen: Adrienn Nyeste
    Father and the Lord of Cake Palace: Francesco Totaro / Gergely Czár
    Cook and Sugarplum Fairy: Letizia Melchiorre
    Barbie Princess: Diletta Ranuzzi
    Balthazar the Elfi: Róbert Kiss
    Mouse King: Csongor Füzesi
    Rose Prince: Graziano Bongiovanni
    Chinese Girl: Janka Nier
    Arabic Girl: Miriam Munno
    Spanish Girl: Málna Csató
    Children, mice, snowflakes and sweets, roses: Miriam Munno, Janka Nier, Diletta Ranuzzi, Letizia Melchiorre, Giordana Marzocchi / Diletta Savini, Chiara Gionti, Málna Csató, Lotár Vincze, Róbert Kiss, Csongor Füzesi, Graziano Bongiovanni

    Music: P. I. Tchaikovsky
    Lighting: Dániel Szabó
    Puppets: Andrea Tóth, Attila Etele Kiss Costumes: Bianca Imelda Jeremias
    Visual: János “Madár” Madarász
    Sets, scenist: Kázmér Tóth – Scabello
    Co-choreographer: Gergely Czár
    Choreographed by Tamás Juronics



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