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    Gounod’s French grand opera has been an indispensable element of any self-respecting opera company’s repertoire, and to this day remains among the most frequently performed operas. The composer's aim was not an operatic adaptation of Goethe’s masterpiece. Born from the libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré was a perfumed and smoky drama spiced with elements of romance and horror, as well as gothic motifs: a story of romance, the supernatural, religion, and the eternal battle against satanic powers.


    Composer: Charles Gounod
    Libretto based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's work by: Jules Barbier, Michel Carré
    Director: Michał Znaniecki
    Costume designer: Luigi Scoglio
    Assistant set designer: Alejandro Contreras Cortés
    Costume designer: Ana Ramos Aguayo
    Lighting and projection designer: Bogumił Palewicz
    Choreographer: Marianna Venekei
    Dramaturg, Hungarian subtitles: Judit Kenesey
    English subtitles: Arthur Roger Crane
    Chorus director: Gábor Csiki




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