• Program

    Folklór előadás késő esti hajós városnézéssel

    Folklór előadás késő esti hajós városnézéssel

    This full evening program starts with the Hungarian folk dance performance and continues with a Dinner & Cruise program. At night you can admire our exquisite city in all of its illuminated glory. One of the best ways of getting acquainted with the Hungarian culture is attending a traditional folk dance performance.  more

    Nincs aktuális előadás

    Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!

    Last event date: Saturday, September 30 2023 8:00PM

    The cultural traditions of Hungary are unique in the world. There exist only a handful of countries where folk music and dances are being practiced at such a high artistic level. In Hungary, these art forms are treated as an indispensable part of the country’s heritage. It’s easy to see that Hungary's culture is based on music and movement, which are not only part of the country’s culture; they are part of the Hungarian lives as well. One of the best ways of getting acquainted with the Hungarian experience is attending a traditional folk dance performance. You can receive this experience from first hand, from the best and most famous performers in the country. The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, the Danube Folk Ensemble and the Rajkó Folk Ensemble are the country’s most respected dance ensembles with the longest traditions, dating back more than six decades. The groups consist of 30 dancers, and about 20 folk musicians based on the performing groups. With these performances you will experience the most famous, and the lesser known Hungarian and Gypsy dances from all areas of the country. Through them, you can witness the Hungarian cultural heritage.

    Full evening program starts with the Hungarian folk dance performance and continues with a Dinner & Cruise program. At night you can admire our exquisite city in all of its illuminated glory. One of the best ways of getting acquainted with the Hungarian culture is attending a traditional folk dance performance. You can receive this experience from first hand, from the best and most famous performers in the country. After the show take part on the 1.5 hour long river cruise on a heated and air-conditioned ship. You can enjoy a buffet dinner consisting of Hungarian and international specialities, vegetarian foods and many different delicious desserts, while admiring the one of a kind beauty of Budapest swimming in lights. After dinner you can enjoy the view from the open upper deck of the ship.


     Dinner menu


    Cold entries

     Spiced cottage cheese cream and traditional greaves cream



     Alföld style goulash with small dumplings

     From autumn to spring: Vegetable cream soup

     Summer time: Cold fruit soup


    Warm main courses

     Mini stuffed cabbage

     Traditional chicken leg „Paprikasch”

     Roasted chicken breast with basil-cheese sauce

     Spicy pork rib with thyme – mustard sauce

     Roasted sea fish with Chardonnay sauce


    Garnishes and vegetarian

     Grilled polenta with feta cheese

     Grilled vegetables

     Homemade dumplings with spinach and mustard-mushroom sauce

     Steamed jasmin rice with corn

     Hash-brown potatoes

     Steak potatoes




     Fresh seasonal salads with dressings

     Italian pasta salad

     Caesar’s salad

     Sweet corn salad with mayonnaise



     Home-made strudel

     Somló style sponge cake

     Mini tarts

     Dessert variations Európa style

    Season fruit basket

    Our offer

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    Az Anyatigrisek című előadás tabuk nélkül, rengeteg humorral mutatja meg, hogy valójában mit is jelent szülőnek lenni. Nem számít, hogy fekete öves anyuka, vagy fiatal kismama vagy, a másfél órás zenés komédia garantáltan jobb kedvre derít majd.


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