• Program

    Stephen, the King (junior)

    Stephen, the King (junior)

    Levente Szörényi – János Bródy
    The greatest hits of the rock-opera in its original arrangement, with a child cast

    Nincs aktuális előadás

    Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!

    Last event date: Saturday, November 16 2024 7:00PM

    The Hungarian State Opera believes that it is very important to serve not only its opera-loving audience, but also to think about the next generation of operagoers, to involve children and the youth. So, in addition to its programmes aimed at them, and in addition to operas and ballets specifically for young audiences, it occasionally stages short versions of certain works starring children. This time the legendary rock opera Stephen, the King by Levente Szörényi and János Bródy, the story of Hungary's first saint king, has been chosen for this purpose, and audiences have already seen a shortened, child-friendly version of it at other venues, entitled Stephen, the King Goes to School, directed by Pál Feke. In the 2023/24 season, the OPERA will host and present this existing production in the cosy and youthful Eiffel Art Studios.

    We wish to inform you that we occasionally use light and sound effects that may be disturbing or excessively bright for some members of the audience.

    This production is brought to you by Zikkurat Kft. and Melody Kft.

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