• Program

    Kollár-Klemencz László: Anyám tenyere - Őszi Margó Irodalmi Fesztivál / LISZT ÜNNEP 2024

    Kollár-Klemencz László: Anyám tenyere - Őszi Margó Irodalmi Fesztivál / LISZT ÜNNEP 2024

    Nincs aktuális előadás

    Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!

    Last event date: Sunday, October 13 2024 8:30PM

    Following short story collections with popular descriptions of nature, and a novel that commemorates his German ancestors, László Kollár-Klemencz has now written a work that is pure fiction. Anyám tenyere (My Mother’s Palm) is set in the mythical Middle Ages in the forests of the Pilis Mountains, in the Danube Bend. The protagonists are a hermit who has lost his family and a girl who has fallen off her horse; in the forest, the two confront the great mysteries of their lives and understand their mission. The wildness and meekness of nature, its incomprehensible power, have even more significance in this volume than in the author’s previous works: My Mother’s Palm not only chronicles the encounter of two people, but also demonstrates the coexistence, conflicts and possible harmony of nature, man and animals, and, above all, testifies to the search for God and the most elemental experiences of being.

    The author will talk to János Szegő and László Tenigl-Takács, Associate Professor at the Tan Kapuja Buddhist College.

    This programme of the Liszt Fest is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with Kultúrkombinát Kft.

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