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    Almost 500 years ago, Péter Bornemisza translated and adapted one of the most famous and powerful Greek dramas of mankind, Sophocles' Electra. Bornemisza wrote a real Hungarian story, a contemporary drama from the ancient masterpiece, which has become so timeless that we can still recognize ourselves and our world in its characters. Hungarian Elektra is the work of a great playwright: it is linguistically mature and perfect, and it clearly shows the intellectual power and richness of thought of its author. And although the language seems difficult at first, if the English watch Shakespeare in the original, why can't we do this with an old Hungarian play?


    Performed over 500 times in Hungary and abroad the show is an hommage to the great Hungarian master of the…

    Antony Jay és Jonathan Lynn politikai komédiája, amelynek az eredetét jelentő tévésorozat a BBC műsorán aratott világsikert, a hatalom sajátos…

    Az 1500-as évek Rómájában játszódó színdarab Néri Szent Fülöp életét dolgozza fel, aki nem szabályok szerint éli meg a hitét,…

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